Students & Families
Parent/Family Engagement Events
Parent/Family Engagement Events![]()
Parent/Family Engagement Events
There are 6 types of events we currently have scheduled:
- Orientation - On the first day of school, we host an orientation for all students and their parents to meet their teachers, collect their supplies & CB, and ask any questions they may have about the Virtual Academy.
- Back to School Night - At the beginning of the school year there will be a Back to School Night for our famliies.
- Virtual "Coffee" with the Principal - This will be held via Google Meet for Parents to join a virtual call with Principal Divelbiss. She will be there to give updates on WUVA events, data & progress of our school, as well as a time for Q & A.
- Coffee with the Principal - During a few in-person days this year, Principal Divelbiss will also host parents for actual Coffee with the Principal. The purpose will be the same as the virtual coffees, just in person on campus.
- School Site Council - We have 4 School Site Council Meetings each year. All are welcome to attend and participate in Public Comment, however, our SSC Members (3 parents, 2 teachers, 1 Principal) are the only voting members of the council in terms of approving & modifying the Single Plan of Student Achievement (SPSA). This is a virtual meeting held in the late afternoons.
- Open House - Towards the end of the school year, we will host a family event for Open House.
We look forward to seeing you at any/all of these Parent & Family Engagement Opportunities.