Virtual Academy FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions![]()
Frequently Asked Questions
What does the virtual academy look like?
The WUSD Virtual Academy will be an online instructional program taught by WUSD certificated teachers and staff. Students will have a daily schedule with synchronous whole-class instruction (direct student-teacher contact in a Google Meet or Zoom call), live small group or one-to-one support, and asynchronous/independent learning time. Students will receive core instruction and ELD from a WUSD certificated teacher, and PE & VAPA through asynchronous programs.
Can students go back and forth between in-person and virtual learning?
At this time, we are asking for students to commit to staying enrolled in the virtual academy for the entire school year. A structured process will be followed for students who want to transition to a different learning model.
What are the class sizes for Virtual Academy?
Class sizes will be determined based on student enrollment, but the plan is to follow the current class size ratios for all grade levels.
Will the virtual be done the whole year or just during the first semester?
The Virtual Academy will be a full-year program.
Can students participate in sports while at the Virtual Academy?
Students who are enrolled in the virtual academy will be able to participate in extracurricular events at their home school, such as sports, dances, etc.
Can my student be enrolled in both Dual Immersion and the Virtual Academy?
At this time, the Dual Immersion program will remain in-person only at Elkhorn Village. If you have additional questions regarding Dual Immersion, please contact Elkhorn administrators.